14 April 2015


OK, so my last post was Bank Holiday related. And then it all went a bit radio silence...she'll be back in a minute...any minute now...I just know it...awkward pause...
I dropped my phone down the loo. Combine this with BT taking an eternity to come and install wifi and Husband's data package on his iPhone being devoured within seconds we have been cut off and literally been without communication devices for 5 days. Hellish.
Not only that but my entire diary and life is contained in my gmail calendar...on my phone. So we've had a fun few days of opening the door at random times to disgruntled plumbers/electricians/boiler repair men who had been trying to call (ha ha!) and were clearly not expected. Hey ho, no-one died.
So yeah, to bring you up to speed quickly, I dropped my phone down the loo, Husband went cray-cray, Toddler found the whole thing hilarious, I've had a very sad and lonely and frantic 5 days, BT finally arrived and hooked us up to the mainframe (wowzers!!) and lo, my new phone arrived today.
Thank Christ!
I shall return tomorrow with more regular posts. On how Nana infuriates me. And how my Niece is literally escaping death one faux pas at a time. And how I adore my new house so much it makes me feel a little bit nauseous. And other such useless natter!
Also have Spring wardrobe updates, school updates, Baby updates...it's going to be thrilling ;-)

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