It's that time of year again when all of a sudden our thoughts are filled with sunny beaches, aeroplanes, getaways, trips, exciting adventures...anything to combat the general malaise of being back on the school run after the Christmas holidays I suppose?
As a couple, Husband and I were pretty good at travelling. We've never backpacked around India or kayaked down the Amazon but we did a fair few city trips across Europe and wined and dined in NYC. Ooh and we did hike to see the sunset at the Grand Canyon but it was en route to Vegas...we're not really an outdoorsy couple!
Then Boy came along and...huh...our travelling days kind of dwindled away. It wasn't a conscious decision and it didn't even happen immediately after his birth (I find travelling with infants infinitely easier than travelling with children over the age of 6 months!!) But sure enough, before we realised it we were daydreaming of beach holidays as an unobtainable 'thing', something other people did but not us, never us.
Granted, it's not just because we have kids. They are somewhat responsible for the length of travel I'm prepared to undertake (need stops to stretch legs and eat and change pants and use the bathroom etc...) and I can't bring myself to cross any time lines with them so that narrows our options again. And timing wise, just as Boy became old enough and compliant enough to contemplate a trip, we discovered we were expecting Baby and my pelvis gave way so once again we didn't bother. Then Husband quit his job and started his own company and, as anyone self-employed will know, holidays triple in price once you factor in loss of earning...
So yes, apart from some weekend trips to see friends and one magnificent flight to Inverness last summer, we have not holiday'd in a while.
2016 is going to change all that. I hope! I plan! (This is relying on the old house selling so, you know, don't hold your breath!)
I would love, love, love to take the boys to Disney. Friends of ours go quite a lot, sometimes for a whole week at a time, and while I don't think I could handle the crowds and the cheese-factor for THAT long I think a day would be so much fun. Boy is the perfect age (4) and Baby is just old enough to 'get it'?? We shall see what the summer brings...I think this may be a trip without Husband. His Disney-tolerance is a lot lower than mine.
We adore Center Parcs and have been twice before with friends. This Easter we have a huge cabin and are all sharing!! Such a middle-class cliche but I can't help it. No cars, bikes, swimming, activities, forest, nice food, winner!!
We have a weekend booked at the wonderful Hotel du Vin in Cheltenham. Glam Girl is turning 30 and throwing a huge bash in my beloved Bristol but, somewhat rudely, that hotel was fully booked so we figured we'd drive 30mins back towards home and stay in Cheltenham. We are determined to spend the Sunday child-free, pootling around the shops, enjoying brunch and NOT talk incessantly about the boys, wondering what they're up to NOR rush home to see them!! Pah!!
Nana is determined to take Boy skiing at some point (hence why we keep spending a fortune on bloody lessons, she's been promising to pay for his ski holiday for 2 years now!!) But this year I'm taking action and aiming for October half term. Our school has 2 weeks off, one of which is different to the local state schools, so am hoping the flights etc will be cheaper and quieter.
My Baby turns 2 in April...can't talk about that too much yet though incase I cry! Boy will be 5 in August. Ridiculous notion, he just arrived??
The school summer fair will come around far faster than I'd like...need to beat £1600 income, eeshk!
And I'm sure some more exciting things will be added into our diary as the months fly by...
Am quite excited about 2016, let's see how many of these daydreams I can make into a reality...
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