12 February 2016

Almost the weekend!!

Weeeee only a few hours left and then it's the weekend BUT MORE IMPORTANTLY it'll be half term holidays. Be still my heart!

We have 9 wonderful days with Boy and, determined not to spend all of them following Baby around shrieking 'do you need a wee??', we have made some plans...

I wish this photo meant a holiday abroad. It does not. On Saturday we need to take Nana to Heathrow!

We have a birthday party at a soft play on Saturday evening. Hellish. Baby isn't going because it's too late...am tempted to send Husband??

Day of Love on Sunday when naturally Husband and I will gift each other beautifully thoughtful and meaningful gifts...pfft. He is not, shall we say, gifted on the gift front and as such I refuse to participate. Valentines can do one!

Extra swimming lessons on Monday morning...

...followed by a trip to Attingham on Monday afternoon with friends from school. Muchos fun. If Baby doesn't wet himself...

Tuesday is plan-free so I plan on doing lots of Lego models, possibly walking the dog for a few hours and blowing away some holiday cobwebs, visiting the local bakery for a yummy lunch, just generally soaking up my Boy and spending lovely time together.

Wednesday brings us to coffee with Yummy Mummy (Boy's godmother) and a long overdue catch up while the boys play with her youngest and terrorise her 2 cats!!

Thursday we're seeing BFF and goddaughter. I just googled 'best friend tattoos' for an image and this one came up which could not be more 'us' if it tried. She is safe and calm, I am impulsive and brash. Perfect combo!!

Friday means a romp around Cannock Chase with Art Mama and her boy (who was born 18m after Boy and 10m before Baby, they look like a funny little army when they're all together!)

And before we know it, it'll be Saturday again and lo, Husband is back off to Heathrow to collect my mother. For people that never fucking travel we sure like to rub salt in the wound!!

And there I am, Sunday evening, pissed off at the education system in Britain. But, let's face it, probably also just sobbing about the amount of wee on the floor over the last two weeks, boo!

(Disclaimer: After being dry all day yesterday, Baby has pee'd on the floor twice today, once at breakfast when he clearly told Husband he needed a wee and Husband replied 'just eat your banana!', moron, and once this morning in the kitchen when he simply forgot. He did, however, stop himself and run to the loo to finish up so am taking it as a 'not total fail, just a mini fail'!!)

Has anyone else got half term next week? And are we all excited or just point blank dreading it? 

I. Can. Not. Wait!!

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